API Reference

API Request ➡

Your API Request will always be a combination of the URL to the service, the URI to the resource to query, submit data to, update, or delete and an HTTP verb.

Currently, Eyowo doesn't support pagination query parameters like limit, count, page, page_size etc. However, we hope to do in future.

Supported HTTP verb for Eyowo:

  • POST

  • GET

  • PUT


API Responses ⬅

Eyowo REST API always returns a json responses with an HTTP status code, which make it easier to predict results or outputs when developing a product. The response structure is as follows: { success: boolean, data: object }

HTTP Status

For successful requests, Eyowo returns HTTP 2xx status code. For failed requests, Eyowo returns 4xx and 5xx status code.

Response Code





Request was successful


Bad Request

Your request is invalid.



Your API key is wrong.



The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.


Not Found

The specified kitten could not be found.


Method Not Allowed

You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.


Not Acceptable

You requested a format that isn't json.



The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.


I'm a teapot.


Too Many Requests

You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!


Internal Server Error

We had a problem with our server. Try again later.


Service Unavailable

We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Application Key

X-App-Key: provides your project with a unique identification, and it's used for every HTTP Request.

Wallet Access Token

X-App-Wallet-Access-Token: This is a token belonging to an Eyowo user which gives you access to the wallet of a user. It is required for transaction types such as a wallet to wallet transfers and wallet to bank transfers.

Account Secret

To enable developers to do more, we've introduced a new request header that lets you do more with the x-app-wallet-access-token: accessing multiple accounts, which translate to transactions from multiple accounts whether business or personal.

X-Account-Secret: Account secret is an identifier, which specifies the account you want to transact with.

The account secrets, unlike “x-app-wallet-access-token”, which grants you access to the default Eyowo account number (phone number), “x-account-secret”, enables you to be more precise, more concise and empowers developers to select from a list of accounts, either personal or business accounts.

REST API Calls ☎️

When making Eyowo REST API, you'll always include the URL to the service and your KEY:

  • API_URL: https://api.console.eyowo.com/v1/.

  • APP_KEY: <unique_to_your_application>

Sample API call for validating a user's account using their phone number:

Last updated

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